What makes up the culture in your organization? People. If you’re going to align and re-engage your workforce, you must recognize and speak to the individual, not just the masses. In our last blog, we discussed that we must be willing to "burn the ships" in order to create alignment within our organization. … Continue reading From Workforce Revolution™ to Organizational Alliance: Re-engage a Dis-illusioned Workforce by Recognizing the Individual
From Workforce Revolution™ to Organizational Alliance : Taking Action to Re-engage a Disillusioned Workforce
In our last post, we left you with the question of how you get everyone focused in one direction within your organization. How do you get your workforce to engage in their work, and creatively, and proactively solve the issues that move your company and everyone in it forward? As you work to help … Continue reading From Workforce Revolution™ to Organizational Alliance : Taking Action to Re-engage a Disillusioned Workforce