Skip-level meetings offer a solution, facilitating direct communication between executives, managers, and employees to improve engagement and performance.
From Start to Finish Line: Harnessing Business Victory by Galloping Towards Success
Business is like a horse race. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, there are a couple of basic rules to follow that serve us very well.
Building a Robust Financial Governance to Support Your Product Development System
Successful software and product development requires robust process and financial governance to support the system. Do you have one in place?
Recessions are Good for Good Businesses, and Good Businesses are Prepared
A recession is coming — now or in the future — it is the cyclical nature of economics. For some leaders, panic sets in, but maybe it shouldn’t.
How Documentation Will Make or Break Your Business
Here at KMP Consultants, we understand the need for predictable and scalable growth. It is what every company strives to achieve, but did you know that documentation is a key part of reaching this goal? The ability to turn on and off the flow of leads, sales, and client fulfillment will help your company control … Continue reading How Documentation Will Make or Break Your Business
The One Number That Drives Your Business
Baseball is one of the most statistic-laden sports. Every position and player has dozens of “KPIs” or “OKRs” that define how well they, as individuals, play. Yet what defines winning or losing is not RBIs or batting averages, but ONE NUMBER — the number of runs on the scoreboard. What one number tells you … Continue reading The One Number That Drives Your Business
What Exactly is Servant Leadership?
A note from Karen: Scott Knutson is a valued partner of our team at KMP Consultants. His Servant Leadership program offers key insights and solution for companies working to build a stronger, more employee centric culture. As we’ve been discussing over the last few months, the post-COVID environment has put leaders in the position to … Continue reading What Exactly is Servant Leadership?
The Rise of the Post-Covid Leader: Soft is the New Tough
We have long understood that a poor manager is the most significant factor in an employee’s decision to resign. Yet, a study conducted by Careerbuilder reports that 58 percent of managers said they didn’t receive any management training. How can that be? The top factor of an employee’s job satisfaction level is the quality of their relationship … Continue reading The Rise of the Post-Covid Leader: Soft is the New Tough
From Workforce Revolution™ to Organizational Alliance: Re-engage a Dis-illusioned Workforce by Recognizing the Individual
What makes up the culture in your organization? People. If you’re going to align and re-engage your workforce, you must recognize and speak to the individual, not just the masses. In our last blog, we discussed that we must be willing to "burn the ships" in order to create alignment within our organization. … Continue reading From Workforce Revolution™ to Organizational Alliance: Re-engage a Dis-illusioned Workforce by Recognizing the Individual
When Talent Goes AWOL: Rally the Troops to Call a Ceasefire in the Talent War
It's time to rally the troops. This month we have been taking a deep look into the Talent War that is raging in Corporate America today. With more people quitting their jobs than ever before, the typical “fear tactics” that were once used to keep employees in their offices are no longer working. Initially, when … Continue reading When Talent Goes AWOL: Rally the Troops to Call a Ceasefire in the Talent War