Change Management = Change in Management 

Change is an inevitable aspect of life, but it’s not always easy to embrace. Nevertheless, growth requires change, and both personal and business growth necessitate learning and doing something different.  The critical factor determining the success or failure of change initiatives is leadership quality. According to a Harvard Business Review article, employees are losing patience … Continue reading Change Management = Change in Management 

Roadmap to Organizational Growth: Knowing the Optimal Time to Shift Your Allocation of Time, Energy, and Resources 

Our guest blog writer for this month is the author of Catch!, The Rudolph Factor, and Be a Frontline H.E.R.O.— Cyndi Laurin, Ph.D. With over 25 years of expertise in leadership, organizational culture, and performance improvement, she expounds on the paradoxical nature of growth and structure, making it relatable to every business owner.  The journey … Continue reading Roadmap to Organizational Growth: Knowing the Optimal Time to Shift Your Allocation of Time, Energy, and Resources