In order to get the best performance from your people and build a world-class organization, you’ll need to understand how psychology meets workplace dynamics. This is where understanding your teams’ behaviors can actually help you predict high performance. That’s why KMP proudly partnered with MindWire to provide a solution that helps you put the right … Continue reading Decoding Behavioral Tools: Predictive Index vs. DiSC Model
Recessions are Good for Good Businesses, and Good Businesses are Prepared
A recession is coming — now or in the future — it is the cyclical nature of economics. For some leaders, panic sets in, but maybe it shouldn’t.
An Introduction to Bulletproofing Your Organization: Building Resiliency for Success
What leadership commitment do you hold to your organization that keeps you there?
The One Number That Drives Your Business
Baseball is one of the most statistic-laden sports. Every position and player has dozens of “KPIs” or “OKRs” that define how well they, as individuals, play. Yet what defines winning or losing is not RBIs or batting averages, but ONE NUMBER — the number of runs on the scoreboard. What one number tells you … Continue reading The One Number That Drives Your Business
From Workforce Revolution™ to Organizational Alliance : Re-engage a Dis-illusioned Workforce by Shifting Focus
From our previous articles, you took action and burned the ships as you pursue a culture of purposeful recognition withing your workforce of the individual and valuing the individual. Now it’s time to pull everyone together to move forward toward a common goal. Focus on the External With a “Burn the Ships” commitment lived … Continue reading From Workforce Revolution™ to Organizational Alliance : Re-engage a Dis-illusioned Workforce by Shifting Focus
From Workforce Revolution™ to Organizational Alliance: Re-engaging a Disillusioned Workforce
The Workforce Revolution™ has begun. Awakened by the reveille of employee discontent, heralded by a chorus of resignations and a massive recruitment problem, companies found themselves ill-equipped to re-engage the troops. Leaders struggled to keep everyone in formation while the remaining loyal yet burned-out workforce struggled to carry the load of their AWOL colleagues. Initially, when the Workforce … Continue reading From Workforce Revolution™ to Organizational Alliance: Re-engaging a Disillusioned Workforce
Who’s the REAL Enemy in the Talent War?
As we continue our conversation about the talent war, we shift gears to discover who the real enemy really is.
When Talent Goes AWOL: It’s Time to Raise a New Flag
It’s become a popular belief that COVID is the catalyst of this talent war, or what is being called the Great Resignation. However, as we’ve discussed in our last two articles, “When Talent Goes AWOL: Calling a cease-fire to the Talent War” and “When Talent Goes AWOL: The next step in calling a Cease-Fire in … Continue reading When Talent Goes AWOL: It’s Time to Raise a New Flag