When Talent Goes AWOL: The Next Step in Calling a Cease-Fire in the Talent War

In our last article, we discussed the Talent War and its impact on organizations in today’s post-COVID climate. We discussed the reality of the Great Resignation and how it’s a much deeper issue than what most are assuming.   As a result, the workforce is placing demands on employers and if they aren’t meant, they are … Continue reading When Talent Goes AWOL: The Next Step in Calling a Cease-Fire in the Talent War

When Talent Goes AWOL: Calling a Cease-fire to the Talent War

The battle against Covid has mutated into a revolutionary war between leadership and the workforce. Many view the workforce exodus as a Talent War or call it the Great Resignation, but they’re only looking at the symptom—people quitting their jobs.   It’s a reaction to a much deeper problem.  "The most important thing in communication … Continue reading When Talent Goes AWOL: Calling a Cease-fire to the Talent War

When Hybrid Goes to Hell… 

Solving the REAL issue behind post-Covid hybrid workforce unrest  In this new post-Covid era we find ourselves in uncharted territory.  The battle against the virus is in danger of mutating into a revolutionary war between leadership and the workforce.  And the troops are already revolting – with their feet!  Study after study tells us that … Continue reading When Hybrid Goes to Hell…